We have recently deployed the "uBlock" edge extennsion to Staff & Student accounts
uBlock helps keep accounts safe, secure, and private by blocking adverts and other potentially malicious content on websites.
Occasionally, uBlock will block something that shouldn't be blocked causing a website to display an error or not fully load. When this happens, you can use the following steps to disable uBlock for the website:
Note:- This extension is installed in "Microsoft Edge" on Windows PCs only.
Google Chrome & Chromebooks do not support the usage of it.
- Navigate to the website that you want to disable uBlock for.
- Click the "puzzle piece" icon in the top right corner of Edge.
- Select uBlock from the dropdown menu.
- In the uBlock menu, click the blue power button.
- Refresh the page.
Once you have completed those steps, uBlock will be disabled for the site you are currently accessing. If you are still experiencing issues at this point, you can rule out uBlock as the cause.
Please let us know of any issues via [email protected]